Who Knows?

Full disclosure: Scarlett Johansson could spit in my face after clawing out the eyes of newborns, and I would totally defend her. I think she's awesome in pretty much every way.
But anyway...do you think she's had her nose done? Based on the evidence sumbitted, I'm going to say "no." It just looks like she's grown into her face, 'cause her mouth is pretty big in that first picture, too. Everyone looks like an idiot when they're 13. Don't hate her because she's beautiful.
Everyone is entitled to mistakes, even Scarlett and Ewan McGregor.
Who is the Sexiest Woman Alive, if not Scarlett?
Last I saw, Scarlett was sickeningly skinny.
no way, on nose job. I do hope that she doesn't contract the Kate Bosworth/Nicole Richie Ethiopian refugee look. I really do think that S.J may be the sexiest woman alive, as long as she doesn't morph into Ally McBeal..
i'm with carl - i think she's lost too much weight lately. i saw one picture of her in particular from fashion week where she seemed positively skinny and that totally ruins her for me. i've always found her curves really attractive.
and yes on the nose job.
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