Jared Leto Hates Me

“I think that blogs should die a sudden death. It’s just ridiculous. It’s like a playground for four-year-olds. People say and do things in the world of blgos that they would never do in real life, and I think it’s a false experience…The blog is yesterday’s parachute pants. It’s here now but it’s gone tomorrow.”
I'm sure Mr. Leto is right. Here today and gone tomorrow - blogs (you know, writing) will totally disappear long before his haircuts and makeup. And music. And Crocs.
I only hate you because I care, Jared. And I've got the mental capacity of at least a seven-year-old.
Labels: Bitchface, Fake Stars, Hate, Music
come on. despite his best efforts, hes gorgeous. come on.
Oh, I'd still hit that. I never said I wouldn't.
I'll stop blogging when he stops wearing eyeliner and banging 18 year old starlets.
In other words, I'll be blogging FOREVER
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