UK TV is Weird
Sadly, Jeremy Kyle clips on YouTube are few and far between. Trashy British people are somehow trashier than Americans; I blame it on the weather.
Labels: Anglophile, Awesome, Television, YouTube
Labels: Anglophile, Awesome, Television, YouTube
Great. That clip has setback English dental stereotypes back another century.
Christ. Did someone record that on a camera phone?
Jeremy Kyle is definitely the clearing house for the British dental stereotype. I remember eating breakfast one day and nearly ralphing it back up after watching one particularly set of wretched teeth natter on and on. Actually when I say teeth, I mean sparsely populated wooden stumps.
Well, all I can say is:
1. At least we aren't all fat like you lot.
2. We can speak the English language correctly. Unlike the whining dribble USA version.
I'm never sure if these odd replies are supposed to be serious or some kind of not especially amusing satirical take on out-dated stereotypes.
Also, I'm hugely offended. I'm half-American, half-English, overweight, I speak the English language poorly and have bad teeth. YOU BASTARD.
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