Two Hepburns

Though I was still stinging a bit the lack of Keith, I was very happy to see Michael really bust out in this episode. Though he's the opposite of Keith (nice to others, modest, loves his moms), he's still all kinds of awesome I and totally want him to win now.
I didn't really have much of an opinion on Bradley. I thought his nonsensical interview ramblings were more annoying than cute...he's like that one bearded guy at the coffeeshop at 3 in the morning who stares at you while he pretends to read Proust. I'm kind of sad to see him go, know why, specifically? Because Jeffrey's dress was one hot mess.

By the way, I got the image of Michael from fourfour. It's probably my favorite blog, and the recaps of "PR" are worth waiting for. If you don't read it, you should.
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